BRUbelt® - Flat belts
Welcome to the exclusive presentation of our latest product line – the BRUGG lifting belts! In this video, we will showcase the outstanding features and benefits of our high-performance lifting belts, designed to meet your most demanding lifting requirements.
What is BRUbelt®
The BRUbelt® is defined by maximum dynamic strength and is
available in customized designs. BRUbelt® is the combination of high strength steel strands and high tech polymers that allow for the creation of the innovative drive systems in the smallest possible space
compared to conventional steel cables. BRUbelt® offers higher load-bearing capacity with a reduced metallic cross-section.
BRUbelts® cover a very wide range of different applications. As an alternative to chains and wire rope hoist systems, they offer the user a maintenance-free, cost and space saving solution for the respective area of application.
The advantages of the BRUbelt design
- Increased flexibility and traction
- Lower belt elongation under load
- High running quality (low vibration and noise)
- High resistance to external influences
(e.g. weathering, abrasion, UV radiation) - High tensile strength
- Extreme bending and flexural fatigue strength
- Smaller pulley and idler diameters
- High wear resistance
- Halogen and silicone free
BRUbelt® end fasteners
With the Brubelt end connector there is no reduction of theminimum breaking load. In addition, customized end fastenersare created upon request.The flat belts made of steel cords sheathed with thermoplasticpolyurethane do not require lubrication, but run grease-free onthe pulleys, which significantly reduces maintenance costs.Compared to wire ropes, BRUbelt flat belts cause considerablyless wear on belts, idler pulleys and drive sheaves, which alsohas a positive effect on maintenance costs.The belt itself has three times the service life of classic steelropes. With a wrap drive, the drive motor can be mounted closeto the ground and is therefore easily accessible. The BRUbelt isalso used as a traction drive, thanks to the frictional propertiesof the coating, the BRUbelt can be used with the smallestpossible drive sheaves.
The right scope of
Whether in the warehouse or the production hall, the flat belts can be used in
their standard temperature range from –20°C to +60°C and behave in a noncondensing manner up to a relative humidity of 80%. However, the exact limits
of use depend on the particular load case. Higher or lower temperature ranges
can be accommodated in customer-specific designs.
Overview our BRUbelt® - flat belts
The table below gives you an insight into our product portfolio. However, our strength also lies in developing specific designs in cooperation with our customers. Depending on the application, we can also integrate copper or fiber optic cables into the flat belts in addition to the steel cords (BRUbelt Hybrid).
Item number | Product name | Breaking load min. [kN] | Cross-section [mm x mm] | ⌀ steel cords [mm] | Belt weight [g/m] | 506611 | BRUbelt 3,6kN | 3,6 | 32 x 2,3 | 16 | 123,51 |
506614 | BRUbelt 9,0kN | 9,0 | 25 x 2,3
| 10 | 89,69 |
506601 | BRUbelt, 15,0kN | 15,0 | 33 x 2,3 | 16 | 125,05 |
506634 | BRUbelt 32,0kN | 32,0 | 30 x 3,0 | 12 | 201,69 |
506718 | BRUbelt 53,0kN | 53,0 | 30 x 3,4 | 10 | 252,0 |
506611 | BRUbelt 64,0kN | 64,0 | 60 x 3,0 | 24 | 403,37 |
506623 | BRUbelt 126,0kN | 126,0 | 100 x 3,0 | 42 | 691,04 |
506610 | BRUbelt 160,0kN | 160,0 | 60 x 6,5 | 10 | 986,9 |
506624 | BRUbelt 218,0kN | 218,0 | 150 x 3,3 | 48 | 1135,59 |

Christos Tsinalidis
+41 (0)78 830 57 67
Please contact me directly or through our contact form.