Rope end fittings
Threaded Swaged Sockets
Product Data
- APAG-end connections are TÜV testedand approved according to TRA/EN81.
- APAG-end connections transmits 80% of minimal breaking load of traction rope.
- simple, fast and safe end terminations
- shortened installation time, since no mounting of end connections by customers
- no special tools required
- the compact type enables a very tight arrangement of ropes and parallel running ropes
- simple securing against rotation
- check hole for rope end position
- quiet operation because there areno individual parts

Threaded Swaged Sockets
Product Data
- APAG-end connections are TÜV tested andapproved according to EN81.
- APAG-end connections transmits 80% of minimal breaking load of traction rope
- simple, fast and safe end terminations
- shortened installation time, since no mounting of end connections by customers
- no special tools required
- the compact type enables a very tight arrangement of ropes and parallel running ropes
- simple securing against rotation
- check hole for rope end position
- quiet operation because there are no individual parts
Eyelet bolt
with thimble
Product Data
- eyelet bolt steel St 37, zinc-plated
- simple, fast and safe end terminations
- no special tools required
- simple securing against twisting
Wedge Socket (CTP®) Asymmetrica
Wedge Socket
- Cast rope lock, galvanized steel
- incl. wedge, pre-assembled safety splints
- Rope lock transfers 80% of the minimum break force of the rope
- Threaded rod, galvanized steel
- The assembly and operation is subject to the requirements in Annex C of the EN 13411-6 standard
- can be assembled safely and simply on-site
- Can only be used with springs, buffers are not allowed for use with CTP ropes
Rope Clamp
(EN 13411-5)
Product Data
- Rope Clamp
- zinc coated
- for mounting and operation the explanations of the norm EN13411-5 are valid
- can be assembled safely and simply on-site